martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

... about the picture with the clouds and shadows

I think that the picture represente the clearest projection that we, as a future teachers, need to have at the time of giving classes. We must have the biggest responsability of teaching a group in a good way as posible as we can because our students will be reflected according to our behaviour, we must show an excellent skill in order toproject security and control of the group.

2 comentarios:

  1. Vic, you have some typing mistakes such as *represente and *toproject. Also, I would put a comma after "because" in the 3rd line. In the fourth line, I would say "our students will reflect our behaviour"
    On the other hand, you have a great imagination. I like your writing.

  2. Dear Victor,
    I complete agree with Pedro regarding the mistakes.Besides that, I liked a lot the ideas you express about the picture.
